Friday, November 19, 2010

Lily I'm Back!

I arrived at the Memory Support Center yesterday to find Lily in good spirits and happy to see me.

"Where have you been?"

"Mom, I was in Arizona visiting Emily."

"How long were you gone?"

"One week."

"Is that all.  I thought you were gone about 3 weeks."

I assured her I wasn't and I then started to tell her about my trip as I escorted her back to her room to help her shed 4 of the 5 layers of clothing she had on.

As I was taking her picture to show the layers of clothing she let me know what she thought about that!

In her room she showed me a bouquet of flowers and I noticed a tin of bear claws.

"Look what I got."

"Who are they from."

"I don't know.  I have been trying to figure that out."

A couple minutes later she again showed me the flowers and we repeated the above exchange because oftentimes Mom may remember a detail later that she couldn't pull up just a minute before.  Sure enough she said,

"They told me Traci sent them."

"Who's Traci?"  (my sister)

"I don't know who Traci is."

However, later on in the morning she remembered Traci easily.

"Of course, I remember Traci."

So there you go -- the various windows of the Alzheimer's affected mind.

I spoke to the staff who said she did fine while I was away.  Rachel, her 2nd shift caregiver said the first couple of days she was a little agitated, but then was her usual self.  The activities gal gave me a run through of all they had done, and I could tell how much she enjoys Lily and all that Lily brings to the group.

I was pleased to know that Lily did ok while I was gone.

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