Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Leap Year

A short while ago my great friend and neighbor Anne picked Lily up to take her to the movies.  I dressed Mom in the green jacket Anne had bought her for Christmas and in the picture below Lily is also holding the bulb kit Anne had purchased her a couple of weeks ago.  The bulbs have grown quite a bit the last couple of weeks and will be blooming soon.  The girls are on their way to see Leap Year which Mom will love as it was filmed in Ireland. I am anxious to hear how it went and if she remembers any of the movie.  She probably won't but will love every minute in Anne's company.  Anne is one person Lily does remember and she loves visiting with her.  Because Anne's mother also had Alzheimer disease she is very sensitive to Lily and the impact on our family.
Support is so important and I am very fortunate to have so many wonderful friends.


  1. oh!!! lily looks so happy and excited!

  2. The weird paradox -- Your mom has this terrible disease, but because of the disease, others get the chance to reach out and extend little kindnesses. Without the terribleness of the disease, the little kindnesses would barely register -- this one would simply be a friend taking her to a movie. But given the whole picture -- the little things mean everything. And your heart gets to feel immense gratitude for little kindness.

    The little things are everything.
