Thursday, May 20, 2010


Sean was the oldest sibling in Lily's family and the only male. He was at least 10 years older than mom. He never married and lived and worked on the family farm his entire life. Lily's mother lived with Sean until she died. This picture was taken in 1984 a few years after I met him for the first and only time. He died in 1988 in Dublin Ireland following surgery.  I believe he was around 66 years old at his death.

Lily remembers Sean as being a good guy who "worked his ass off for years and years. Daddy did not have the strength being diabetic to do any heavy work so Sean had to do all the heavy work. He had a funny nose kind of like a little kid nose." I had to laugh because Lily has a nose like Sean. "Sean liked to laugh alot. He never talked bad about anyone. Everyone liked Sean."

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