Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cruise Buddies

Last summer our family went on a cruise to the Caribbean visiting the islands of Nassau, St. Thomas, and St. Maarten.  My friend Linda who is also an RN was kind enough to offer to go and stay with mom all week in her cabin to give my husband Dan and I some privacy.  She helped mom with her daily hygiene, makeup, hair, dress, meals, medications, and activities, but more than that she was my mom's friend laughing with her all week.  Once we were home Linda made my mother a wonderful picture book to highlight the cruise and included some funny dialogue in it.

The family in Orlando and Lily remembered she forgot to feed her cat! 

"I'm on a ship?  I thought I would go home tonight."

Queen Lily on her throne watching the Atlantis Aquarium. 

"Are those fish real?"

Mom in the congo line.

"I'm on the white team?"

"Can you believe it, George Bush and Laura split?  That's a bunch of crap!"

The Divas
Mom & Linda
Having Mom live with us has been very rewarding in so many ways.  Most of the time we roll with what ever comes our way.  However on occasion the stress builds.  Having people around you who are willing to step in and give you a hand can make the difference between just getting by or being able to enjoy the moments which this journey through Alzheimer's brings us.  Thank you Linda and all my other wonderful friends and family who have helped me along the way.

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